Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lino Lada

Nora loves junk food-any kind of junk food. Her favorite are sweets and chocolate is the best. So what can be more fun then some chocolate nut spread from Croatia called Lino Lada. And why use bread when you can just put it in a cup and eat with the spoon. She picked that up from the older sister of course.

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Tatoo girl!

Emma loves to paint-not only on paper- but on herself. Body painting is one of her specialties!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Love of God

"To hang between two thieves in the darkness
LOVE (God) must believe you are worth it!"

Nicole Nordeman

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

This past weekend we did our 2nd annual PUmpkin Patch with our friends Boys and Clarks. IT is just fun to get together and enjoy seeing kids play and take in all that is new. Last year we had an interesting experience at Burt's Farm because the day we went was frigid cold with aweful wind. My mom was here visiting and helping take care of Nora and she spent most of the day in the car with Nora. Nora was sleeping most of the time. Luckily we had winter coat for Emma. She and Elliott did not seem to notice the chill at all but were running and enjoying the pumpkins and other stuff out there. This year was a total opposite. It started with the little cold in the morning so we all had our sweaters on but then it warmed up and it was beautiful the rest of the day. It was just a perfect day to be out in God's creation. We went to Kinsley Family Farm-just up GA 400 (for those of you from Atlanta-right before the outlets:)) and it was great. Not as crowded as Burt's Farm but plenty to do. One of the biggest things was feeding the fish in this pond/lake thing they had. These fish were huge (catfish) and there was tons of them. Kids just loved those. Nora tried eating some of the fish food of course. We also had a picnic for lunch and it was awesome. Kids just enjoyed running around and having fun. When we came home that afternoon we carved our pumkin (Emma could not wait for the next day to do it:)) and i will post some of those pics later. Can't wait for next year!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Atlanta Parent Magazine Block Party

This past weekend we went to the APM family block party at Mercer University. We took our friend Ty and had a blast. It was awesome. There was a petting zoo, a train, tons of big blow up jumping things, and a giant dragon slide bouncy thing. Amazing. Emma, Ty, and even Nora loved the giant dragon. Emma and Ty loved jumping and bouncing and running. Nora tried her best to keep up. Below are some pics. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crazy in shades!

Goofing around in their fun shades-girls just had a blast. Nora especially!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Emma's quote for the day

While I was cleaning Nora's poopy diaper this morning Emma comes over and as soon as she sees the poop she says in a very excited voice "Mom it's compost". I think we need to cut down on Curious Goerge Goes Green DVD's