Tuesday, November 3, 2009


For Halloween we went to the annual (our 3rd) Halloween party at the Pickren's cul-de-sac. It is always a fun time as there is over 20 kids and their folks there. This year was very cold and wet because it has been raining the whole day. Inspite of the weather kids had a great time. You could not even see their costumes from the winter jackets they had to put on in order not to freeze, but they had fun. Emma did really well with walking the hills of the Georgetown neighborhood and trick or treat-ing. She was amazed at everyone giving her candy. She did not even eat that much of it but she crashed as soon as we came home. It was just so much fun for us to observe Emma as she learns and is amazed at all this new stuff she is experiencing. Nora was out at the party but when trick or treat started she and baka duka went inside the warm Pickren home.