Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Burt's Farm Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we went to a pumpkin patch with our friends Josh, Laura, Elliot, and Charlotte. It was a blast. Here are some pics:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Emma and Payne

This past weekend our friends Patty and Oliver took their twin boys for a surprise trip to Disneyworld and they left Payne their 3 and a half year old here in atlanta. We had the pleasure to hang out with Payne for almost 2 days. He stayed with us Friday and Saturday. You may wonder where he slept so let me answer at the beginning-we have an air matress and he slept on it with Chris and I in our bedroom. He and Emma had a blast jumping on the matress and also just playing together. Emma has a new hero and keeps talking about payne still. She wanted to do everything he did and also wanted to show him everything. Saturday we went to a Atlanta Parent magazine Block Party at Mercer University. That was tons of fun for the kids. They were exhausted and almost both fell asleep in the car ride back home. Nora also did awesome, walking around with baka duka. Baka enjoyed seeing different people and promotional boots. We got to play Mommy wheel of fortune (kolo srece) and even got some prizes:) All in all we had a great time having Payne stay with our family and thanks Patty and Oliver for trusting us to leave your precious little boy with us!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Emma and Nora hanging out

Emma likes showing Nora how the toys work.

Emma telling Nora what's up.
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