Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snow in Atlanta???

Yes it's true. We had over 2 inches (4 cm) of snow yesterday. Winter Storm 2008 as they called it on the news was a lot of fun. When a cataclismic event like this occurs in Atlanta everyone stays home with a fridge full of bread and milk. I was driving somewhere and the roads were virtually deserted.

Emma loved looking out the window at the snow. When we took her outside to check it out she went crazy with excitment. It was a lot of fun.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Emma's First Christmas

Emma did not know what was going on during Christmas. But she did enjoy playing with wrapping paper and some gift bags.

She was facinated with this toy but kept pulling the box on top of herself.

Nothing like a mouthful of wrapping paper!

Not ready to read the books, just eat them.
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Aunts came to visit from Washington

Emma's Aunt Faith and Aunt Ruth both came to visit during the Christmas holiday. It was fun to see them and they really enjoyed spending time with Emma. After giving them the stare down for the first couple days, Emma warmed up to them and they had a lot of fun together.
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