Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Going to the Croatian Coast

On Monday (August 4th) we went to the town of Pirovac on the Croatian Coast with Andreja's parents (Baka and Deda), sister (Mateja), brother-in-law (Tuki), and neice (Mia). It took 7 hours by car with an hour stop in the middle. It would have gone faster but when we reached a 3 mile tunnel under the mountains it took one hour to go 2 miles because of the traffic. Emma did great on the ride. She took a couple naps in the car and enjoyed a lot of snacks. Once we arrived we headed straight to the beach to enjoy the beautiful adriatic water. Although the water was cold, Emma loved swimming and sitting in the water playing with rocks (the beaches are made up mostly of small or large rocks). We found a great spot along the beach that had good shade for the little ladies under a couple palm trees. Emma and Mia enjoyed sitting and playing with their beach toys. We'll post some more pictures later.

Getting ready to go.

Two cousins, Emma and Mia.

Emma's first time in the Adriatic.

Emma and Mia playing in the shade.
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1 comment:

Laura said...

How fun! Those little cousins are so cute together!