Monday, August 11, 2008

Traveling to Croatia

Our day to leave for vacation in Croatia has finally arrived. Chris is done with the BAR and we were off. The traveling drama started when my mom told me that Lufthansa (company we were flying with) is on strike. At first they were not canceling flights so we did not think much of it. But the day of our trip i tell chris just randomly to call and make sure our flight is still on and we find out that our flight is canceled. At this point it is already 2pm and they tell us that we were rebooked on a different flight that leaves at 4pm. then they said that we will not make it since we do have 40 minute ride to the airport. Nobody informed us about this or anything. If we did not call we would have no lcue. Anyway, chris was able to get the lady to book us on a flight that leaves the same day ging through Belgium. We spent a couple of hours on the counter and made the flight barely because our infant tickect for emma was never reissued.....Long story short we made it and we were glad. Some of our luggage didnćt for a few days but when it finally came we were glad. Grandpa Tom was of huge help at the airport keeping little emma entertained while chris (mainly) and i were trying to figure this situation out.Emma was a great little traveler. She greeted every person on the plane with a wave and a smile, some were tickeled and woken up by her, but all in all she was a star and people have enjoyed her. She slept for 5 hours and then also on Brussels airport in the stroller (which was a first time for emma sleeping in the stroller) and was so great. Time change was not too big of a deal either and we did not have to wake up and play at 3am. Thanks God for helping emma and all of us have a pretty easy transition and travel. And also for that extra seat for emma to have for herself. Here are some pics from the plane.

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