Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fun with Elliott

Our dear friend Elliott Clark stayed with us Saturday morning while his mom and dad went out for a nice date. It was fun to have Elliott stay with us. He is only 2 weeks younger then Emma so they are into the same stuff. Elliott is a perfect baby. Nice, calm and fun. He was a little confused at first with how loud we all are-starting with Emma- but he got used to it quickly and joined in the fun. He and Emma played pretty good together (even though miss Emma started showing some signs of jealousy if either Chris or I would pay extra special attention to Elliott-good thing it was not long lasting but they were able to play nicely).
They had fun playing with Emma's instruments. Elliott loved the piano. He was even practicing playing with his toes. And Chris and I thought Emma has a promising career in music-we may have to think twice about that:)
Emma showed Elliott all her favorite toys and things to do around the house. Here are some pictures to share with all of you.

Emma loves watching herself in the mirror. Not so sure Elliott shares the same passion from the expression on his face:)

Playing in the kitchen is one of Emma's favorites. Especially if it includes taking things out of cabinets and drawers.

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Playing with pots and pans

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Fun with Elliott continues...

Emma chewing on some bread crust (great medicine for teething)
and Elliott wondering if this place can get any crazier :)

Uhm, bread looks like fun. Maybe i would like some also?

Bread crust buddies sharing the bread:)

Elliott eating his lunch and Emma helping clean up his
leftovers from the chair and the floor!
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Emma's Baptism

This past Sunday May 25th Emma was baptized in our church here in Atlanta. We are excited and feel privileged to have this opportunity to dedicate Emma to God, to promise that we will teach her about Him and His Grace (like her name says) and pray for her that she will one day believe for herself the truth about Him and our Lord Jesus. We were asked 3 questions by one of the Elder of the church (starjesina crkve) who happens to be Tom.

1) Do you acknowledge Emma's need of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ and the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit? (Da li smo svjesni Emmine potrebe za ociscenjem od grijeha (kroz Isusovu krv) i za miloscu Duha Svetoga koja obnavlja zivot?)

Chris says loud and clear, ABSOLUTELY!
Chris je glasno i jasno rekao ABSOLUTELY! Absolutno smo svjesni da Emma nije bez grijeha i da joj je potrebna milost Bozja.

2) Do you claim God's covenant promises in his behalf and do you look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ for Emma's salvation, as you do for your own? ( Da li vjerujete u Isusa Krista kao jedinu mogucnost za Emmino spasenje od grijeha (i isto i za sebe) i da li se oslanjate na Bozja obecanja koja nam je dao u svom Savezu?)

ABSOLUTELY again! Chris and I believe that there is no way for a man to come to God and be forgiven of sin but through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and his grace (milost) that sets us free from sin and eternal condemnation (vjecne propasti).

3) Do you now unreservedly dedicate Emma to God and promise in humble reliance upon divine grace, that you will endeavor to set before Emma a godly example, that you will pray with her and for her, that you will teach her the doctrines of our holy faith, and that you will strive, by all the means of God's appointment to bring Emma up in nurture and admonition of the Lord? ( Da li sad bez ikakve zadrske posvecujete Emmu Bogu i ponizno obecajete da cete uz pomoc bozje milosti biti primjer Emmi kako zivjeti u vjeri. da cete se moliti za nju i sa njom, da cete je nauciti nacelima nase krscanske vjere, da cete se truditi da Emmu odgojite u strahopostovanju bozjem?)

ABSOLUTELY we will try to do all this and we pray that with God's help and through His grace we will succeed and that Emma will never know they day that she does not know God and Jesus, what they have done for her and why and how much she needs them not just for salvation from sin but in every aspect of her life.

4) CONGREGATION COVENANT (Pitanje upucenon ljudima u crkvi)- Do you as a congregation undertake the responsibility of assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of this child? (Da li vi kao crkvena obitelj obecajete da cete pomoci roditeljima dok odgajaju Emmu u krscankoj vjeri?)

As the pastor Ewan (the one holding Emma in the first picture) said it so beautifully in his introduction of Emma's baptism- this sacrament does not mean that she is now clean from sin. She did not do anything to deserve this privilege. She can not ever be cute enough to deserve this. And whoever knows Emma knows that even at 11 months she shows her will and is not without sin. So this baptism is not because she deserves anything from God. It is a symbol of what God does for us when we acknowledge our need for Him and his cleansing of our sin through washing away of what is unclean.

One the our favorite verses and reason for Emma's middle name Grace is found in the book of Ephesians 2:8,9. It is by GRACE that you have been saved. Not by works so that you can not boast but it is a gift of God.

" Da, miloscu ste spaseni-po vjeri. To ne dolazi od vas; to je dar bozji. To ne dolazi od djela da se nitko ne bi hvalisao."

We hope this grace is what helps us teach Emma, what helps her learn about Jesus and what she is to others who do not know Jesus yet.

Emma being baptised by pastor Ewan Kennedy at Church of Redeemer, PCA in Atlanta!

Emma with her Godparents David and Fabienne.

Family photo after baptism!

"Extended" family photo after baptism!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Emma Walking

Emma started taking steps while pushing her little walker. This video is from about a month ago when she first took some steps. I'll have to post an update sometime soon.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Riding a bike!

If she is not pushing it, she loves to pretend she is riding!

She also loves to sit on it and mama pushing her around the house!
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Emma or Mama?

Ok, so i took this picture as Emma was doing one of her favorite things in the world at this point-that is take everything out of the bags, drawers etc. and take it out. Or maybe i should say passionately throw it out while making loud screaming noises! She gets so excited doing this that you have to witness to believe it. She does not look so excited on this picture but when i saw this picture i could not but think that she looks so much like me when i make my own "mad" face :) People always say she looks like me and i don't always see that but when i saw this picture i immediately said- "she is little andreja for sure".
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Legal Matters!!!!!!!

Last month was a big month for legal news! First, after 3 grueling months of studying and sacrificing time with Mia, i am proud to announce that my sister passed the BAR exam in Croatia!!!! I am soooooooo excited and proud of her and this accomplishment. Way to go Mateja!

Second, Chris has graduated from Georgia State Law School with honors!!!! His graduation ceremony was this past Friday and Emma and I of course were there. It was a very exciting night for us as we watched Chris and some of his friends get hooded and celebrate this big accomplishment. Again, I am sooooooooo excited and so proud of my husband and all that he has accomplished. Chris you rock!

Third, Chris was offered and has accepted a position of staff attorney with the 11th Circuit Federal Court. He starts in September so he will have some time to relax after the coming months of studying for his BAR exam that he takes end of July. I am clueless about some of these legal matters but this job is a great opportunity for Chris to learn more and get even more skilled at legal writing eventhough I think he is already pretty good (by the way one of Chris' articles is getting published in Law Review Journal). I love to see that God has blessed Chris with something like this as he has worked hard in the last three years. I am just a poud wife that can't stop bragging so please forgive me.

Here are some pics from the ceremony. I don't really have many good ones but here are some decent ones.

Chris among the other graduates.

Chris and Emma! Emma was just so amazed at all that was going on.

Chris and his friends Brian and Drew in the graduation attire.

Happy family!
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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mia's 1st b-day continues....

Look at this adorable face!

Mama & Baka (grandma) made this fun cake for Mia. I think it turned out pretty good for their first try!

Mia with Mama and Dada waiting to take a bite:)

She is ready!
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Miin 1-vi rodendan/Mia's first b-day!

My niece Mia had her first birthday may 1st. She was so cute and had lots of fun at her party so i wanted to share the moment with you all.

Mia and Kristina

Mia with all of mama's friends

Mia with some of th fun toys she got.

Mia walking.
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