Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Future of America
Disclaimer: For our Croatian audience, not all American's are so uninformed about the world. Many do own maps and do not think of themselves as United States Americans.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Emma Loves Taking a Bath
(click on the picture for more)
2007 08 Emma Taking a Bath |
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Baka has arrived!!!
It took a little time to find Baka, because her bag got stuck in the conveyor with the bag of a Bosnian guy. They were the only ones waiting for stuck baggage, but at least they could communicate. Eventually, her bags came and she was able to go through customs with no other problems.
Once we left the airport the clutch was working again and we made is smoothly around 285 home. We even made it without Emma getting too hungry:) The clutch is being replaced as I write. When we arrived home we thanked God for kindly answering our prayers and bringing us safely home.
Baka is getting adjusted to life with us and we are getting adjusted to life with her. It is a huge blessing that she can come and help out with Emma when I go back to school next week and with Andreja back at work.
Here's Baka with Emma and Pamela
Here's proud Baka with her beautiful granddaughter.
Congratulations Remigailo's (a little late)!!!
Little David.
David with his Momma
David and Chris
David and Andreja
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Mia sa tri mjeseca
Mjesec dana sa zakasnjenjem/ One month old-delayed
Vec dva tjedna planiram nesto napisat jer je Emma napunila mjesec dana I nikako d anadem sekund da sjednem I napisem par rijeci. Ne mogu vjerovat gdje mi dan ode. Emma je tako dobra beba I dosta spava preko dana kad ne jede al ja opet nekako nemam vremena.
Emma je prije 10 dana napunila mjesec dana. Naravno isli smo doktoru na pregled I sve je u redu. Na pregledu je bila 3900 grama I narasla je jedan centimeter pa je to sad 54,5. Kad ju gledam sve se vise cudim I pitam se gdje je ona moja mala beba nestala. Obrazi su joj se popunili, nogice ce polako postat bataci (nadamo se da ce nastavit dobro jesti). Al u isto vrijeme nove radosti dolaze-pocinjemo primjecivat stvari oko sebe, smijemo se, reagiramo kad nam netko prica. Emma je dobar slusaoc za sada. Jako otvori oci kad joj netko prica I slusa pazljivo. Ako si lucky bude ti se I nasmijala. Obozava kad joj pjevamo I plesemo. Bit ce dencericaJ
Isto tako poceli smo joj davati jednu bocicu na dan umjesto da sisa, ja izdojim jer mama nazalost sutra ide na posao pa da se curica nauci jesti bez cike. Jos uvijek bude uzivala u raznoraznim okusima mojeg mlijeka, al uz malo manje trudaJ Bar sam tako mislila al sad nakon tjedan dan jela na flasicu mislim d ace to bit malo teze. Emma prvo 20 minuta place kao luda a onda odluci d ace uzet flasicu I pojest sto joj se nudi. Tih 20 minuta su mi valjda najdulje u zivotu I zajedno sa njom placem dok se chris s njom boriJ
Napokon mjesec dana napokon smo je I okupali. Nije se puno plakal samo malo namrstila na pocetku al sad uziva. Vidjeli ste slike vjerojatno jer ih je chris vec stavio na raspolaganje svima. Nakon prvog puta I malo plakanja od tad svaki put kad se kupa nekako kao da to I voli. Samo ima oci sirom otvorene I misli si sta se dogada nemam pojma al nije ovo tak lose. Najvise voli kad ju izvadimo iz kade I zamotamo u njen rucnik. Tad se uvijek nasmijesi.
I have been trying to write something for the last 2 weeks and start and drop and so on and nothing. Emma has turned one month and I wanted to give you some stats and also let everybody know about the changes in her life and nothing. I have time when she sleeps but for some reason time goes away and I have no clue where. I guess I talk on the phone too much and have plenty of visitors. Emma is pretty popularJ
Well we went to the doctor and all seems to be great. Emma was 3900gr which is 8lb and 9oz at her one month checkup. She grew 1cm or ½ inch. The more I look at her the more I wonder where did my small little baby go. She is getting bigger. Her cheeks are cute and chubby even. She started noticing more of her surroundings. She opens her eyes wide and listens to you when you talk to her. She loves singing and dancing like her mama.
The challenge is that we started giving her the bottle-I am pumping and we give her one a day now- so she get used to it since I am back to work tomorrow. She drinks it eventually. But usually the first 20 minutes she cries so loud that I can’t help but cry with her. It makes me so sad. I think those are the longest minutes in my life.
We finally gave her a bath. It was time after a whole month. She was crying a little bit the first time but now she loves it I think. She just sits there and with the eyes wide open is looking around and wondering what is happening to her. She especially loves when we get her out and wrap her in her little towel. That is always followed by her smile.